巴特神學 中華福音神學院 2014-15 學年上學期. Gottes Gnadenwahl (1936)...

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Transcript of 巴特神學 中華福音神學院 2014-15 學年上學期. Gottes Gnadenwahl (1936)...

巴特神學中華福音神學院 2014-15 學年上學期

Gottes Gnadenwahl (1936)


Gottes Gnadenwahl :雙重預定

“Election means… to see an act of freedom and lordship upon the elect… There is no election, where there is not also non-election, omission, and reprobation. The doctrine of predestination must thus be the doctrine of double predestination.”

否定 Decretum Absolutum :巴特認為正統改革宗視「棄絕」為「揀選」的 “ logical postulate” ,正如“ there is no Yes without No, no day without night.” 如此將雙重預定描繪為一個 “ tidiness of an equilibrium [Gleichgewicht]” ,乃是在描述一個基督啟示之外的、人類理性不可知的上帝、一位朝令夕改的暴君

Gottes Gnadenwahl :雙重預定

“Is Jesus Christ merely the bearer of the divine Yes to humankind? Is he not at the same time the bearer of the divine No? Is he—and he alone—not also the divine Judge on the Left Hand? Then how did we come to speak of divine reprobation as if we knew it from somewhere else other than our knowledge of Jesus Christ?”

棄存揚升:“ But as God’s righteousness is determined and executed here, as our reprobation becomes manifest and surely manifest in its justice here, as God’s elect [Jesus Christ] accepted it in faith and took it upon himself, our reprobation is sublated [aufgehoben].”

Gottes Gnadenwahl :普世揀選論

雙重預定 as 棄存揚升:“ Only if we see it [reprobation] as having been sublated do we see it truly. But where we see its having been sublated, we see it truly, and there is no evasion from or revolt against the free and in-its-freedom-justified decision of God.”

因此:“ We are not in the place to make the declaration, who is elected and who is rejected.”

加爾文主義也這樣說,但 “ we must go even further: we are not in the place to make the general declaration either, that there are two classes of humans as elects and reprobates.”

Gottes Gnadenwahl :普世揀選論

羅十一 32 :“ the final meaning of ‘Double Predestination’ seeks to make itself known.”

“The insight that we gain from the recognition of gracious election is the twofold insight of faith in Jesus Christ. By faith in Jesus Christ, Paul wrote—and by the same faith we are to recognise and confess: ‘God hath shut up all unto disobedience, that he might have mercy upon all’ (Rom. 11:32). All: that is to say without doubt from the meaning and the context: all, upon whom God decides and shall have mercy in Jesus Christ… All: precisely because all are ones upon whom God decides and shall have mercy in Jesus Christ, the notion that there might be elects who are not threatened with reprobation or reprobates who are not promised with election is firmly excluded.”

Gottes Gnadenwahl :普世揀選論

論羅十一 32 :“ God hath shut up all unto disobedience’: that is the threat from which we have been freed through the promise freely given to us in Jesus Christ… The fact that all of us, the good and the evil, the pious and the ungodly, belong in this prison [of the threat of reprobation] is shown to us by God’s wrath from Gethsemane to Golgotha, shown to us by the matter-of-fact [Tatsache] that the one elect who has never sinned bears this wrath as righteous wrath.”

Gottes Gnadenwahl :普世揀選論


「揀選」 =“reprobation sublated [aufgehoben] in the promise.”

“By faith in Jesus Christ we cannot avoid the recognition that our reprobation is determined and deserved and really executed.”

“It does not eliminate the threat. The promise presupposes that our reprobation is determined, deserved, and really executed. The threat was and is thus not a game.”

發展:實動主義GD 與 CD I/1 : Revelation-in-act 可能(一):人認識歷史中的上帝,但永恆中有另一位上帝是人不能認識的可能(二):歷史中的上帝就是上帝本身

Gottes Gnadenwahl : Being-in-act 揀選是永恆事件,是上帝的歷史

發展:基督中心本體論GD & CD I/1 :以三一神論為主要進路

Gottes Gnadenwahl :基督中心本體論

發展:救恩論客觀主義Soteriological Objectivism


《教會教理學》 II/2

CD II/2 :揀選論與上帝論揀選論是上帝論的一部份:揀選是上帝永恆中的行動( act ),而上帝的存有( Being )是行動中的存有( Being-in-act )。揀選是上帝存有中的行動。(揀選決定三一,或三一先於揀選?)

“The doctrine of election is the sum of the Gospel because of all words that can be said or heard it is the best: that God elects man; that God is for man too the One who loves in freedom. It is grounded in the knowledge of Jesus Christ because He is both the electing God and elected man in One. It is part of the doctrine of God because originally God’s election of man is a predestination not merely of man but of Himself.”

CD II/2 :揀選論與上帝論核心辯證:基督是揀選的上帝,也是被揀選的人。


全人類在創世以先已在「基督裡」蒙揀選: reprobated and elected by, in, and with, Christ

基督中心論: He [Christ] is the decree of God behind and above which there can be no earlier or higher decree and beside which there can be no other, since all others serve only the fulfilment of this decree… He is the election of God before which and without which and beside which God cannot make any other choices. Before Him and without Him and beside Him God does not, then, elect or will anything.

CD II/2 :揀選論與上帝論“Basically Chalcedonian” 的基督中心揀選論:“ The name of Jesus Christ has within itself the double reference: the One called by this name is both very God and very man. Thus the simplest form of the dogma may be divided at once into the two assertions that Jesus Christ is the electing God, and that He is also elected man.”

基督神人二性不可磨滅的區別:“ Because as the Son of the Father He has no need of any election, we must add at once that He is the Son of God elected in His oneness with man.”

CD II/2 :揀選論與上帝論上帝與受造界不可磨滅的區別,與其間的 perfect correspondence (read: 實動主義 !) : For these are two separate things: the Son of God in His oneness with the Son of Man, as foreordained from all eternity; and the universe which was created, and universal history which was willed for the sake of this oneness, in their communion with God, as foreordained from all eternity…. On the one hand, there is God’s eternal election of grace, and, on the other, God’s creation, reconciliation and redemption grounded in that election and ordained with reference to it.

CD II/2 :揀選論與上帝論實動主義:“ Even the fact that He is elected corresponds as closely as possible to His own electing.”


1. 三位一體的內在行動( opera ad intra :Tat ) 2. 揀選與道成肉身的外在行動( opera ad extra : Tat 、 Tun ) 3. 神在歷史中的工作( Werke 、 Tun )

在揀選、救贖的工作中,“ the inner glory of God overflows.”



田榮道 牧師