© 1996-2006 American Student Achievement Institute May be reproduced with proper citation for...

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Transcript of © 1996-2006 American Student Achievement Institute May be reproduced with proper citation for...

© 1996-2006 American Student Achievement Institute

www.asainstitute.org • May be reproduced with proper citation for educational purposes.

American Student Achievement Institute

Common Mistakes

Title Description

Problem Solving All students will improve problem solving skills across the curriculum

Problem: Vague, not descriptive

Title Description

Activity Period Tutoring

Tutoring will be provided by teachers during activity period each day for students who did not pass the most recent benchmark test in English and/or Math.

No Problem

Common Mistakes

Title Description

Extra Help for Algebra I

An extended (two period) Algebra I class will be offered for freshmen who failed 8th grade ISTEP. In addition, math tutoring will be offered before school.

Problem: Two strategies

Common Mistakes

Title Description

Teachers follow district discipline policies

Teachers will follow the district discipline policies.

No Problem(low energy)

Common Mistakes

Title Description

Big Al A late bus will be provided once a week to transport students home after extra help/tutoring or enrichment.

Problem: 1. Title not descriptive

2. Action step

Common Mistakes


TitleShort & Descriptive

Single Strategy








American Student Achievement Institute

American Student Achievement Institute

Strategy Data: TIPS6a. Who are you trying to

change with this strategy?

Usually, this is a group of adults because unless adults change, we can’t expect students to change.

6b. What behavior or attitude is the strategy trying to change?

Say to yourself, “I want this group of people to . . . .”

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

Ask yourself, “What can I count to determine if this group of people are showing the desired attitude or behavior?”

6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

4th grade teachers

6b. What behavior or attitude is the strategy trying to change?

Provide increased reading time during the school day

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

The average number of books checked out of the library by students

Strategy Title: Ready-Set-Read

Common Mistakes

Doesn’t measure 6b

6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

4th grade teachers

6b. What behavior or attitude is the strategy trying to change?

Provide increased reading time during the school day.

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

The average number of minutes students spend reading in class each marking period.

Strategy Title: Ready-Set-Read


6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

9th grade students

6b. What behaviors, attitudes, or situations is the strategy trying to change?

9th graders passing all classes

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

% of 9th graders passing all classes

Strategy Title: Freshman Focus

Common Mistakes

Not an attitude or behavior

Doesn’t measure change in an attitude or behavior

Not adults

6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

Ninth Grade Teachers

6b. What behaviors, attitudes, or situations is the strategy trying to change?

Present a study skills unit as part of the Advisor-Advisee program

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

% of ninth grade teachers who present a study-skills unit as part of the Advisor-Advisee program

Strategy Title: Study Skills Unit


6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

All teachers

6b. What behaviors, attitudes, or situations is the strategy trying to change?

Align their lesson plans with the Indiana Academic Standards

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

% attending a curriculum alignment seminar

Strategy Title: Instructional Alignment with Standards

Common Mistakes

Attendance ≠ change

6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

All teachers

6b. What behaviors, attitudes, or situations is the strategy trying to change?

Align their lesson plans with the Indiana Academic Standards

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

% turning in weekly lesson plans aligned with standards

Strategy Title: Instructional Alignment with Standards


6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

All parents

6b. What behaviors, attitudes, or situations is the strategy trying to change?

Attend non-sports related events at school

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

Number of parent who attend non-sports related events

Strategy Title: Parents in the Building Project

Common Mistakes

Doesn’t measure 6b

Attendance ≠ change

6a. Who are you trying to change with this strategy?

All parents

6b. What behaviors, attitudes, or situations is the strategy trying to change?

Talk to their children daily about school

6c. What will you count to see if the targeted change occurred?

% of students reporting that their parents talk to them daily about school

Strategy Title: Parents in the Building Project




Who?A group of adults


Behavior or attitude?

No attendance.

Think: Why do you want them to attend?


What will you count?

Make sure what you’re counting reflects the behavior or attitude

you’re trying to bring about.


American Student Achievement Institute










1. Secure funding S. Rose 4-1-07

2. Set workshop date T. Smith 5-1-07

3. Find meeting space T. Smith 5-1-07

4. Send save-date flyer S. Rose 5-15-07

5. Develop presentation R. Hart 8-20-07

6. Run off handouts R. Hart 8-20-07

7. Buy refreshments B. Billings 8-20-07

Strategy Title: Differentiated Instruction

Action Type: Professional Development



Learning Style Assessment

1. Give learning style assessment

J. Doe 4-1-07

Strategy Title: Learning Style Assessment

Action Type: Implementation

SHORT CUTProblem: No steps in master calendar

American Student Achievement Institute

American Student Achievement Institute

American Student Achievement Institute

American Student Achievement Institute

American Student Achievement Institute

Strategy Plan, p. 172

© 1996-2006 American Student Achievement Institute

www.asainstitute.org • May be reproduced with proper citation for educational purposes.