پاييز 13931 كارگاه مديريت انرژي در صنعت حمل و نقل ريلي.

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Transcript of پاييز 13931 كارگاه مديريت انرژي در صنعت حمل و نقل ريلي.

13931پاييز كارگاه مديريت انرژي در صنعت حمل و

نقل ريلي

ريلي ITSدرآمدي بر سامانه هاي

مقدمه .كاربرد فن آوري هاي پيشرفته براي كمك به بهبود جريان ترافيك از هفتاد سال قبل رواج پيدا كرده است

.نخستين نمود فن آوري هاي هوشمند را مي توان در تالش هايي كه براي كنترل ترافيك صورت گرفته است، مشاهده نمود

.امروزه رايجترين مثال از پياده سازي فن آوري هاي هوشمند را مي توان در سيستم هاي مربوط به اتوبوس ها و قطارها ديد

.اين فن آوري ها به طور عام براي اطالع رساني به مسافران در خصوص زمانبندي اتوبوس ها و قطارها به كار مي روند

انواع فن آوري هايي كه براي مديريت سيستم هاي حمل و نقل ريلي به كار مي روند؛ به عنوان سيستم هاي هوشمند حمل و

نقل شناخته مي شوند.


• ITS can help people and goods move more safely and efficiently by providing information links between travelers,

vehicles, and infrastructure ITS.

• The goal of ITS is to apply modern computer and communications technologies in transportation systems, resulting

in improved mobility, safety, air quality, and productivity.

• The application of advanced sensor, computer, electronics, and communications technologies and management

strategies – in an integrated manner – providing traveler information - to increase the safety and efficiency of the

surface transportation system.

Global Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Market Expected to Reach USD 38.68 Billion by 2020

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ITS market revenue share by product, 2012

• Advanced Transportation Management Systems (ATMS • Advanced Transportation Pricing Systems (ATPS • Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) • Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) • Cooperative Vehicle Systems

• North America • U.S.• Europe • Germany • France • Italy • UK• Asia Pacific • China • India • Japan• RoW

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2012 بر اساس داده هاي سال 2020 تا سال ITSپيش بيني در آمد

( www.its.dot.gov اياالت متحده )ITSدپارتمان

ITS is the application of communication and data systems to a transportation system in

order to improve efficiency and safety and to provide a better user experience.

( INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SOCIETY از نگاه جامعه حمل و نقل هوشمند كانادا )ITSتعريف

• The application of advanced and emerging technologies (computers, sensors, control,

communications, and electronic devices) in transportation to save lives, time, money, energy

and the environment.

• the term ‘ITS’ is an elastic one, capable of broad or narrow interpretation. It covers all modes,

including ground transportation such as modes private automobiles, commercial vehicles, and

public transit, and also rail, marine, and air

( ITS-JP.ORG ژاپن )ITS از نگاه ITSتعريف

• Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are technologies introduced in vehicles and roadways that

help improve traffic safety and movement.

• ITS Canada defines Intelligent Transportation Systems as the application of advanced and emerging

technologies (computers, sensors, control, communications, and electronic devices) in transportation

to save lives, time, money, energy and the environment

• ITS receives and transmits information on humans, roads and automobiles.

تعريف مجمع جهاني راه ) پيارك (

• ITS – Intelligent Transport Systems – is a generic term for the integrated application

of communications, control and information processing technologies to the

transportation system. The resultant benefits save lives, time, money, energy and

the environment

ITS( www.etsi.org )سازمان جهاني استاندارد

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) include telematics and all types of communications in vehicles,

between vehicles (e.g. car-to-car), and between vehicles and fixed locations (e.g. car-to-infrastructure).

However, ITS are not restricted to Road Transport - they also include the use of information and

communication technologies (ICT) for rail, water and air transport, including navigation systems.

دپارتمان زيرساخت و توسعه منطقه اي دولت استراليا

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) cover any technology applied to transport and infrastructure to

transfer information between systems for improved safety, productivity and environmental

performance. This includes stand-alone applications such as traffic management systems,

information and warning systems installed in individual vehicles, as well as cooperative ITS (C-ITS)

applications involving vehicle to infrastructure and vehicle to vehicle communications

ITSتعريف اتحاديه اروپا از

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) apply information and communication technologies to

transport. Computers, electronics, satellites and sensors are playing an increasingly important

role in our transport systems

ITS can be applied in every transport mode (road, rail, air, water) and services can be used by

both passenger and freight transport

) ويكي پديا(ITSتعريف دانشنامه آزاد از

• Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are advanced applications which, aim

to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and

traffic management and enable various users to be better informed and make

safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter' use of transport networks

سازمان دهداري ها وشهرداري هاITSتعريف

•ITS ( را نقطه تالقي روش هاي محاسباتي پيشرفته، فن آوري اطالعات IT و بسترهاي مخابراتي و فن آوري )

هاي ارتباطي مي نامند.

•ITS.داراي سه ركن اصلي انسان، وسيله نقليه ريلي و مسير ريلي است

•ITS اكسيري براي حل مشكالت حمل و نقل شهري نيست، هرچند در حل بسياري از مشكالت موثر است اما تنها

هنگامي كه برنامه ريزي و سازماندهي قوي و زيرساخت هاي مناسب وجود داشته باشد؛ موفق خواهد بود.

•ITS .جايگزين ساير مجموعه ها نيست بلكه در جهت تكميل آنها موثر است

ساير تعاريف

• Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applies advanced technologies of

electronics, communications, computers, control and sensing and detecting

in all kinds of transportation system in order to improve safety, efficiency

and service, and traffic situation through transmitting real-time information.

ITSساير تعاريف) دكتر مهرداد شريعتيان، كنفرانس در آمريكا(

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) apply well-established technologies of communications, control, electronics and computer hardware & software to the surface transportation system.

ITS improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances productivity through the use of advanced communications technologies.