1 st Nine Weeks Exam Review. 1. Which statement accurately describes the development of the Great...

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Transcript of 1 st Nine Weeks Exam Review. 1. Which statement accurately describes the development of the Great...

United States History1st Nine Weeks Exam Review

Question 11. Which statement accurately describes the

development of the Great Plains in the late nineteenth century?

a. Technological innovations made farming there possible.

b. Immigrants could not afford to farm these lands.

c. Railroads decreased in importance.d. Great profits were earned there in the steel


Question 22. In the late nineteenth century, the “bosses” of urban political machines often

a. discriminated against migrant workers.b. wasted money on military spending.c. accepted bribes in return for favors.d. denied voting rights to the poor.

Question 33. The Homestead Act of 1862 promoted the development of western lands by

a. moving Native Americans to reservations.b. removing all restriction on immigration.c. providing free land to settlers.d. creating a system of dams for crop irrigation.

Question 44. How did the passage of the Dawes Act affect Native Americans?

a. It forced their removal from areas east of the Mississippi River.

b. It attempted to assimilate them into mainstream American culture.

c. It started a series of Indian Wars on the Great Plains.

d. It supported their existing cultural traditions.

Question 55. Which factor helped farmers on the Great Plains overcome opposition from cattle ranchers?

a. Ranchers refused to divide up the open range.b. Heavy rains made the Great Plains more suitable

to planting than grazing.c. Barbed wire allowed farmers to enclose their

lands.d. The farmers allied with Native Americans.

Question 66. “With freedom, a new system of intimidation

came into vogue; the Negro was not only scourged; he was lynched” This quotation most closely represents the views held by

a. Susan B. Anthonyb. Upton Sinclairc. Ida B. Wellsd. William Jennings Bryan

Question 77. Books such as The Octopus by Frank Norris, How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis, and The Jungle by Upton Sinclair exposed problems that resulted from

a. rapid industrialization.b. westward expansion.c. environmental conservation.d. the naturalization of immigrants.

Question 88. Members of the Progressive Movement generally supported the idea that the federal government should

a. abolish private property ownership.b. reduce the number of small farms.c. restrict immigration to the United States.d. prevent unfair business practices.

Question 99. Which development was a major cause of the drop in farm prices from 1878 – 1897?

a. overproduction by farmersb. government regulation of pricesc. increased demand for farm foodsd. continuous droughts

Question 1010. To prevent the decrease in farm prices, Populists demanded the government

a. raise tariff rates on foreign goods.b. buy farmers’ crop yields.c. issue more silver coinage.d. impose greater regulation of railroads.

Question 1111. In the early 1900s, Progressive Era reformers sought to increase public participation in government by supporting the

a. formation of the Federal Reserve system.b. creation of the Electoral College.c. direct election of U.S. Senators.d. expansion of the “spoils” system.

Question 1212. During the Progressive Era, public demands for direct consumer protection resulted in passage of the

a. Federal Reserve Act.b. Pendleton Act.c. Interstate Commerce Commission.d. Pure Food and Drug Act.

Question 1313. Progressive reformers attacked “political machines” because they often

a. discriminated against migrant workers.b. wasted money on military spending.c. stole public money through overpriced

contracts.d. denied voting rights to the poor.

Question 1414. During the early 1900s, the term “muckrakers” was used to describe

a. politicians who criticized Progressive Era Presidents.

b. newspaper columnists who reported on celebrities.

c. writers who exposed the evils in American society.

d. people who demonstrated against war

Question 1515. The national income tax, free and unlimited coinage of silver, and the direct election of U.S. Senators were proposals included in the

a. Sixteenth Amendment.b. Populist Party platform.c. Federal Reserve System Act.d. Declaration of Sentiments.

Question 1616. In the late 1800s, the principles of the Social Gospel Movement were most consistent with the ideas of

a. trust-bustingb. the Progressives.c. laissez-faire economics.d. the Populists.

Question 1717. In the late 1800s, free and unlimited coinage of silver was supported by farmers primarily because they hoped this policy would

a. bring about political equality between rural and

urban residents.b. increase crop prices and make it easier to


c. allow farmers to grow a greater variety of crops.

d. make foreign crop prices less competitive.

Question 1818. The publication of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair in 1906 was instrumental in getting the members of Congress to

a. legalize strikes by labor unions.b. establish a system for meat inspection.c. support conservation of public lands.d. enact stronger anti-trust laws.

Question 1919. Which idea led to the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Food and Drug Administration?

a. Domestic industry should be protected from foreign

competition.b. Workers should be allowed to bargain collectively

with owners.c. Business practices must be regulated in the public

interest.d. An economy works best without government


Question 2020. Which goal was shared by both the Populists and the Progressives?

a. greater control of the government by people

b. equality for African-Americansc. expansion of opportunities for immigrantsd. the free coinage of silver

Answers1. A2. C3. C4. B5. C6. C7. A8. D9. A10. C

Answers Continued11. C12. D13. C14. C15. B16. B17. B18. B19. C20. A