جناب آقای دکتر طالع پسند 1. Reading Skills and Comprehension مهارتهای...

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Transcript of جناب آقای دکتر طالع پسند 1. Reading Skills and Comprehension مهارتهای...

جناب آقای دکتر طالع پسند


• Reading Skills and Comprehension

مهارتهای خواندن و درک •مفاهیم


Skill 1: Guessing Vocabulary from Context

مهارت اول: حدس معنی لغت در بافت)متن(•

1. The apple appeased my hunger temporarily, but I

could still eat a big dinner.

2. I scorched my dress while I was ironing it

برطرف کردن -1سوزاندن -2


• Fill in the blanks with your own words.

1. I removed the --------- from the shelf

2. George --------- the gold from his

aunt and did not feel guilty.

3. -------- her brother that is truly a

handsome person

• and began to read.

• He is a thief.

• Jane is quite homely.

1. book, document, magazine, ……

2. Stole, robbed, took

3. Unlike, Whereas, While


•Fill in the blanks with your own words.

1. But surly everyone knows that if you step on an egg , it will ----------.

2. After the accident, the ship went down so fast that we weren’t able to

------------ any of our personal belongings.

1. Break

2. Save, salvage


•Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

1. We watched as the cat came quietly through the grass toward

the bird. When it was just a few feet from the victim, it gathered

its legs under itself and pounced.

2. In spite of the fact that the beautiful egret is in danger of dying

out completely, many clothing manufacturers are still offer

handsome prices for their long, elegant tail feathers, which are

used as decorations on ladies, hats.

- پریدن1- نوعی پرنده)حواصیل(2


•Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

3. The snake slithered through the grass.

Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy, unsociable person

who does

4. not like to go to parties or to make new friends.

5. After a day of working, Jack was ravenous and ate two bowls of


salad and a large chicken.- خزیدن ، سرخوردن3- اجتماعی ،معاشرتی4- بسیار گرسنه5


•Skill 2: Recognizing Referents

مهارت دوم: تشخیص مرجع ضمیر•

•Jensen said that Smith shot himself.

•Jensen said that Smith shot him.

•Jensen said that Smith killed him.


• Recognize the referents of the underlined words.

Because the supply of natural gas was plentiful in comparison to other choices like coal and fuel oil,

and because it burns cleaner , many people changed their heating systems to natural gas

thereby creating shortages.

1. “it” refers to ----------

1( coal 2( fuel 3( gas 4( supply

2. “their” refers to ----------

1( choices 2( people 3( systems 4( shortages

Concepts like passivity, dependence, and aggression may need further research if they are to be

useful ways of thinking about human personalities.

3. “they” refers to ----------

1( concepts 2( ways 3( personalities4( passivity and dependence

1. )3( 2. )2( 3. )1( 9

• Read the following passage and then choose the best answer.

Most chromium compounds have brightly colored hues, and as a result, they are wide used as coloring agents, or pigments, in paints. In addition to having a pleasing color, a paint must protect the surface to which it is applied and be easy to apply in a thin, uniform coat.

All paints consist of two parts. One is powder of solid particles that is the source of the color and the opaqueness and is known as the pigment. The other, called the binder, is the liquid into which the pigment is blended.

The word they refers to……….

1( chromium compounds 2( brightly colored hues 3( coloring agents 4( pigments

The word it refers to………..

1( a pleasing color 2( a thin, uniform coat 3( the surface 4( a paint

The word that refers to………

1( a powder 2( solid particles 3( the source 4( the color

The word which refers to……….

1( powder 2( paint 3( liquid 4( pigment

1. )1( 2. )4( 3. )1( 4. )3( 10

•Skill 3: Simplifying meaning of sentences

مهارت سوم: ساده سازی ودرک مفهوم جمله•

- سعی کنید علت دشواری جمله را تشخیص دهید.1

- به نکات دستوری متن دقت کنید.2


•Choose the best answer.

•Yesterday I forced the boy who was making a noise and was one of the principal’s relatives to leave the class.

•1. What ‘s up about the boy?

1) I was made to leave the class.

2) I made him leave the class.

3) I was forced to send the boy out of the class.

4) I forced the principal’s relative to leave the class.

•2. Why did you fire him?

1) Because of his behavior.

2) Because he was one of the principal’s relatives!

3) Because he makes a noise.

4) Because of he was making a noise.

1. (1) 2. (1) 12

•Skill 4: Skimming – Finding main ideaمهارت چهارم: خواندن اجمالی برای درک ایده اصلی متن•

•Left-handed people suffer more from stress than their right-handed peers, according to a study of 1,100 adults by University of Michigan researchers. As a result they smoke and drink more. Fifty-five percent of the lefties smoked, whereas fewer than half of the righties smoked . Furthermore, the lefties consumed more alcohol per year than their right-handed counterparts.•The author’s intent is ----------.1( to show the effect of smoking and drinking on left-handed

people.2( to encourage people to stop drinking and smoking ,especially if

they’re left-handed 3( to show that left-handed people suffer more from stress than

right-handed people4( Right-handed people consume less alcohol than lefties.

Answer: 3 13

•Read the following passage and choose the best answer.•What’s the best way for you, as an employer, to deliver bad news to an employee? First of all, you have to break the news yourself, face to face with the recipient. You can’t write memos to tell people they will not get raises this year or that they have made an error or are not performing as well as expected. You have to show them how you feel about the matter and that you are personally sorry and sympathize with them. If you indicate that you are ready to listen to their reactions to bad news, you will undoubtedly save yourself from their wrath. Above all, you must be ready for an emotional reaction from the recipient of bad news. Give people time to digest your news and to control the emotion they invariably feel. Although it is never easy to break bad news , if you follow these steps, you will at least soften the blow.

•The author’s main idea is that …………

1( bad news is hard to impart

2( all employers have to criticize their employee

3( people respond emotionally to bad news

4( there are ways of softening the impact of bad newsAnswer: 4 14

•Skill 5: Scanning- Looking for specific


مهارت پنجم: جستجوی اطالعات خاص در متن•

•On October 14, workers at the Lenin shipyard in the Baltic seaport of Gdansk put

down their tools in protest against poor working conditions.

1. Who put down their tools in protest against poor working conditions?

2. When did workers put down their tools in protest poor working conditions?

1. (workers) 2. (on October 14) 15

•Skill 6: Finding factual information


مهارت ششم: یافتن اطالعات ذکرشده در متن•

•If a person faints while standing , lay him down. If his face is pale, lift his feet. If he is sitting

down when he faints, place his head between his knees. Loosen any tight clothing that might

keep him from breathing easily. If possible, place a cold, wet cloth on his forehead.

1. Raise a fainting person’s feet if his face ----------.

1) feels hot 2) shows shock 3) looks pale 4) seems worried

2. If you feel faint when sitting , put your head ----------.

1) against a chair back 2) between your knees

3) on your chest 4) to one side

1. (3) 2. (2) 16

•Skill 7: Making inferences from stated factsمهارت هفتم: استنباط و نتیجه گیری بر اساس اطالعات ذکرشده•

•Often people who hold higher position in a given group overestimate their performance, while people in the lowest levels of the group underestimate theirs. While, this may not always be true, it does indicate that often the actual position in the group has much to do with the feeling of personal confidence a person may have. Thus, if a member holds a high position in a group or if he feels that he has an important part to play in the group, he will probably have more confidence in his own performance.•It can be inferred from the passage that -----------------.1( if a person has confidence in his performance , he will achieve a high

position in a group2( if we let someone know he is an important part of a group , he will

probably become more self-confidence3(people who hold low position in a group often overestimate their

performance4(people in position of power in a group , may feel they do better work

than they really do. Answer: 2 17


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