- 1 - © Minder Chen, 2011-2014 Taoism and LaoZi 道家和老子 Management via Softness...

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- 1 -© Minder Chen, 2011-2014

Taoism and LaoZi


Management via Softness


Minder Chen, Ph.D. Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics

CSU Channel Islands


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Tao or Dao and Taoism• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laozi


Tao or Dao: The way, the WayUnderstanding and actions. The Chinese Character Head, also means Ying and Yang unified into One In oneself.

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The Tao Te Ching or Dao De Jing ( 道德經 )

• 《道德經》,又名《老子》• Dào/Tao 道 literally means "way", or one of its synonyms,

but was extended to mean "the Way".

• Dé/Te 德 basically means "virtue" in the sense of "personal character", "inner strength" (virtuosity), or "integrity." The semantics of this Chinese word resemble English virtue, which developed from a (now archaic) sense of "inner potency" or "divine power" (as in "healing virtue of a drug") to the modern meaning of "moral excellence" or "goodness". Compare the compound word dàodé ( 道德 "ethics", "ethical principles", "morals," or "morality").

• Jīng/Ching 經 as it is used here means "canon", "great book", or "classic".

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Chapter 1 of LaoZi• The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao

The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.

• The unnamable is the eternally real.Naming is the origin of all particular things.

• Free from desire, you realize the mystery.Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

• Yet mystery and manifestationsarise from the same source.This source is called darkness.

• Darkness within darkness.The gateway to all understanding.

( 玄之又玄 , 众妙之门 )

– S. Mitchell (1988)

玄: 幽遠也 mystic;profound;abstruse

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玄學 Xuán Xué

• Metaphysics, Neo-Daoism

• A philosophical sect in the Wei (220-265) and Jin (265-420) dynasties]∶ 中国魏晋时代 , 向秀、何晏、王弼等运用道家的老庄思想揉合儒家经义而形成的一种唯心主义哲学思潮 .

• Two influential Xuanxue scholars were Wang Bi and Guo Xiang, editors and leading commentators on the Dao-de-jing, I-Ching (Yi-jing) (both by Wang Bi) , and Zhuang-zi (by Guo Xiang).

• Xuanxue philosophers combined elements of Confucianism and Taoism to reinterpret the Yijing, DaoDeJing, and Zhuangzi (i.e.,Three Xuans).

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xuanxue

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The Nourishing ForceLaozi says:

• The supreme good is like water, Which nourishes all things without trying to.

• It is content to take the low places that people disdain. Thus it is like the Dao.

– Stephen Mitchell, Tao Te Ching: A New English Version: The Nourish Force


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Dao De Jing ( LaoTze; Lǎozǐ; )

•道德經 ( 老子 ):•三十輻,共一轂,當其無,有車之用。埏埴以為器,當其無,有器之用。鑿戶牖以為室,當其無,有室之用。故有之以為利,無之以為用。

• (The use of what has no substantive existence)

• The thirty spokes unite in the one nave; but it is on the empty space (for the axle), that the use of the wheel depends. Clay is fashioned into vessels; but it is on their empty hollowness, that their use depends. The door and windows are cut out (from the walls) to form an apartment; but it is on the empty space (within), that its use depends. Therefore, what has a (positive) existence serves for profitable adaptation, and what has not that for (actual) usefulness.

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Bronze Chariots

30 spokes in the wheel

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Xian Terracotta Bronze Chariots

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Porcelain from Northern Song Dynasty

北宋汝窯青瓷蓮花式碗 ( 秘色瓷 )高 10.1-10.5 公分 深 7.6 公分 口徑 15.9-16.2 公分足徑 8.1 公分

谢肇淛《五杂俎》 “陶器,柴窑最古。今人得其碎片,亦与金翠同价矣。盖色既鲜碧,而质复莹薄。可以妆饰玩具而成器者,杳不可复见矣。世传柴世宗时烧造,所司请其色,御批云:“雨过青天云破处,这般颜色做将来。”

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Chinese Landscape Painting

• Leave white space to stimulate your imagination

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Yellow Mountain

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Defining Taoism1. “Philosophical” (pre-Qin 秦 )

vs. “religious” (post-Qin) Daoisms

2. “Contemplative” (mystical), “purposive” (political), and xian 仙 (immortality-seeking) Daoisms

3. Daoism = only post-Qin (only “religious”)

4. “Laoist” (school of Laozi) vs. “Zhuangist” (school of Zhuangzi) vs. …

• Any definition of “Taoism” must account for:

1.Incredible diversity of items associated with the term

2.Whether/why such items ought to be unified under the term

* Source: Jeffrey L. Richey **中国近年来将黄老学派定义为道家和法家的结合,在西方被称“ ”为 目的性的道家 ( purposive Taoism) “ ” 或 工具性的道家

( instrumental Taoism)。该学派主要探讨社会政治问题。

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Cooking a Small Fish

• Governing a large country is like cooking a small fish.

• Chap.60, DaoDeJing by Lao Zi

• Quoted by President Ronald Reagan at 1988 State of Union Address.

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Tao on Leadership

• When the Master governs, the peopleare hardly aware that he exists.Next best is a leader who is loved.Next, one who is feared.The worst is one who is despised.

If you don't trust the people,you make them untrustworthy.

The Master doesn't talk, he acts.When his work is done,the people say, “Amazing:we did it, all by ourselves!”

– Translated by S. Mitchell


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Chapter 48

•為學日益,為道日損。•損之又損,以至於無為。無為而無不為。•取天下常以無事,及其有事,不足以取天下。• In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is

added. In the practice of the Tao, every day something (such as desire) is dropped.Less and less do you need to force things,until finally you arrive at non-action. When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way.It can't be gained by interfering.

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Wú wéi ( 無為 )

• Wú wéi ( 無爲 ), is an important concept of Taoism with regard to understanding when to act and when not to act.

• To apply wu wei to any situation is to take natural action.

• Action without action, "wei wu wei 爲無爲 ", is effortless action.

• Passive aggressive? – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive%E2%80%93aggressive_behavior

• The concept of "effortless action" is a part of Taoist Internal martial arts such as Tai chi chuan, Baguazhang and Xing Yi.


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Soft & Weak is Stronger than Stiff & StrongThe stiff and the hard are companions of death.

The tender and weak are the companions of lifeIf the tree is stiff, it will break.

The strong and the great are inferior, while the tender and the weak are superior.  - LaoZi

Objects too strong are easy to break. Objects too weak are easy to retreat.

Chapter 76: 人之生也柔弱,其死也堅強。草木之生也柔脆,其死也枯槁。故堅強者死之徒,柔弱者生之徒。是以兵強則不勝,木強則兵。強大處下,柔弱處上。

過剛易折 過柔易糜

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Chapter 64: 治之於未亂其安易持,其未兆易謀。其脆易泮,其微易散。為之於未有,治之於未亂。合抱之木,生於毫末;九層之臺,起於累土;千里之行,始於足下。為者敗之,執者失之。是以聖人無為故無敗;無執故無失。民之從事,常於幾成而敗之。慎終如始,則無敗事。是以聖人欲不欲,不貴難得之貨;學不學,復衆人之所過,以輔萬物之自然,而不敢為。

《淮南子 · 人间训》「圣人敬小慎微, 动不失时。」

董仲舒 《春秋繁露 · 立元神》「故为人君者,谨本详始, 敬小慎微。」

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Chapter 64: Guarding the Minute (Details)

• That which is at rest is easily kept hold of; before a thing has given indications of its presence, it is easy to take measures against it; that which is brittle is easily broken; that which is very small is easily dispersed.

• Action should be taken before a thing has made its appearance; order should be secured before disorder has begun.

习近平主席 : 养成慎始、慎独、慎微的意识。

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Chapter 64

• The tree which fills the arms grew from the tiniest sprout; the tower of nine stories rose from a (small) heap of earth; the journey of a thousand miles commenced with a single step.He who acts (with an ulterior purpose) does harm; he who takes hold of a thing (in the same way) loses his hold. The sage does not act (so), and therefore does no harm; he does not lay hold (so), and therefore does not lose his bold. (But) people in their conduct of affairs are constantly ruining them when they are on the eve of success. If they were careful at the end, as (they were) at the beginning, they would not so ruin them.

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Chapter 64

• Therefore the sage desires what (other men) do not desire, and does not prize things difficult to get; he learns what (other men) do not learn, and turns back to what the multitude of men have passed by. Thus he helps the natural development of all things, and does not dare to act (with an ulterior purpose of his own).

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Chapter 66

江海所以能為百谷王者,以其善下之,故能為百谷王。是以聖人欲上民,必以言下之;欲先民,必以身後之。是以聖人處上而民不重,處前而民不害。是以天下樂推而不厭。以其不爭,故天下莫能與之爭。The reason why the River and the Sea are able to be king of the hundred valleys is that they excel in taking the lower position. Hence they are able to be king of the hundred valleys. Therefore, desiring to rule over the people, One must in one's words humble oneself before them; And, desiring to lead the people, One must personally follow behind them. Therefore the sage takes his place over the people yet is no burden; takes his place ahead of the people yet causes no obstruction (gets out of their ways). That is why the whole world support him joyfully and never tires of doing so. It is because he does not contend (compete) that no one in the empire is in a position to contend with him.-- Adapted from DC Lau’s translation

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林則徐 越華書院聯• An ocean embraces all

rivers because of its tolerance such that to make itself bigger.

• Facing a high mountain (great difficulties), one will be stronger without personal desires.

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Personality Cultivation and Happiness

Happiness and smile bring you longevity.

人要笑,一笑呼吸就出來了,很開心,整個鬆了。一般人都很緊張,那是討債的面孔,一笑就放鬆了,就好了。中國人有一句很好的修道經驗的話, 「神仙無別法,只生歡喜不生愁」。修道想成神仙,沒有另外一個法子,只要一切煩惱痛苦都丟掉放開,永遠高興,這樣才會修成神仙。會不會成為神仙不管,至少可以冒充神仙,活得很快活。

– Adapted from《南懷瑾與彼得 · 聖吉——關於禪、生命和認知的對話》

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Zappos Core Values

• Deliver WOW Through Service

• Embrace and Drive Change

• Create Fun and A Little Weirdness

• Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded

• Pursue Growth and Learning

• Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication

• Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit

• Do More with Less

• Be Passionate and Determined

• Be Humble

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Evolution of Zappos Brand Promise • 1999 - Largest selection of shoes

• 2003 - Customer service

• 2005 - Culture and core values as our platform

• 2007 – Personal emotional connection

• 2009 – Delivering happiness

“Our Business Strategy since 2005 has been to invest in company culture, with the belief that the culture will ultimately drive employee productivity, customer service quality and brand strength.”

‐ Tony Hsieh

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Tianshi Dao天師道• Way of the Celestial

Masters (Tianshi Dao)

• Scroll painting of the immortal Zhang Daoling (張陵 or 張道陵 ), the founder of religious Daoism, riding a tiger. The immortals had great spiritual and physical powers and would appear from time to time to help people in need.

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Chapter 33: Knowledge and Humility

• Knowing others is wisdom;

• Knowing the self is enlightenment.

• Mastering others requires force;

• Mastering the self requires strength;

• He who knows he has enough is rich.

• Perseverance is a sign of will power.

• He who stays where he is endures.

• To die but not to perish is to be eternally present.

•知人者智,自知者明。勝人有力,自勝者強。•知足者富,強行有志。不失其所者久,死而不亡者壽。(chap. 33, tr. Feng and English)

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Chapter 80

• 小國寡民。使有什伯之器而不用;使民重死而不遠徙。

• 雖有舟輿,無所乘之,雖有甲兵,無所陳之,使民復結繩而用之。

• 甘其食,美其服,安其居,樂其俗。

• 鄰國相望,雞犬之聲相聞,民至老死,不相往來。

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Dao De Jing Chapter 80: Standing Alone

• In a little state with a small population, I would so order it, that, though there were individuals with the abilities of ten or a hundred men, there should be no employment of them; I would make the people, while looking on death as a grievous thing, yet not remove elsewhere (to avoid it).

• Though they had boats and carriages, they should have no occasion to ride in them; though they had buff coats and sharp weapons, they should have no occasion to don or use them.

Small is beautiful: Taoism’s Utopian Society

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Chapter 80: Taoism’s Utopian Society

• I would make the people return to the use of knotted cords (instead of the written characters).

• They should think their (coarse) food sweet; their (plain) clothes beautiful; their (poor) dwellings places of rest; and their common (simple) ways are sources of enjoyment.

• There should be a neighboring state within sight, and the voices of the fowls and dogs should be heard all the way from it to us, but I would make the people to old age, even to death, not have any interactions with it.


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Shi Ji Biographies 69: The Biographies of The Money Makers

• Through only commoners with no special ranks or titles, they were able, without interfering with the government or hindering the activities of the people, to increase their wealth by making right moves at the right time. Wise men will find something to learn from them. Thus I made “The Biograghies of the Money-making”.

Source: http://books.google.com/books?id=z3OjyiCwlC0C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false p. 433


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The LaoZi’s idea world is not going to work at the modern society.

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Opening Statement of Biographies of Merchants

Globalization is unstoppable.

Sustainability vs. globalization

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《史記‧貨殖列傳》 Records of the Grand Historian or Shiji  by

Sima Qian, Biographies of Merchants


Classic vs. HistoryTheories vs. Cases

經史參合Integration of theory-based and case-based learning.

Jostling and joyous, The whole world comes after profit; Racing and rioting, After profit the whole world goes!

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是以無財作力,少有鬥智,既饒爭時,此其大經也。今治生不待危身取給,則賢人勉焉。是故本富為上,末富次之,姦富最下。無巖處奇士之行,而長貧賤,好語仁義,亦足羞也。 Labor Knowledge Timing

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Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove

• 竹林七賢


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Chinese Calligraphy by Wang Xizhi 王羲之

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Xizhi

• Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion (蘭亭集序 ) in the running script (行書 ).

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Chinese Calligraphy

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快雪時晴帖 晉 王羲之•羲之頓首。•快雪時晴。•佳想安善。•未果為結。•力不次。•王羲之頓首。•山陰張侯。

http://www.npm.gov.tw/masterpiece/enlargement.jsp?pic=K2B000141http://baike.baidu.com/view/68937.htm for explanation

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The Secret of the Golden Flower


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Golden Elixir 金丹 (External and Internal)

• http://www.goldenelixir.com/publications/eot_jindan.html The Immortal Fetus graphic from The Secret of the Golden Flower, Harvest/HBJ, New York and London, 1962

*wai-dan (external alchemy) 外丹術*nei-dan (internal alchemy) 內丹術

Chinese alchemy, a part of the larger tradition of Taoism, centers on the tradition of body-spirit cultivation that developed through the Chinese understandings of medicine and the body.

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Golden Elixir 金丹


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《内景图》Visualization of the inside of

Human Body


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Stretching Exercise

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• Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life by Richard Wilhelm (Translator), Carl Gustav Jung (Foreword), Cary F. Baynes

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_of_the_Golden_Flower

• http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Golden-Flower-Chinese-Book/dp/0156799804

• 金丹养生的秘密张其成 http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/6482963.html?from=like Chinese version

• 纯阳吕祖功理功法诠释——太乙金华宗旨今译(王魁溥)http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/5989145.html?from=like

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Daoyin - An Ancient Way of Preserving Life


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Daoyin - An Ancient Way of Preserving Life

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• Taoism from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoism

• Introduction of Daoism by Giles (Taoism in Religions of Ancient China)

• Introduction of Daoism by Giles (a lecture in China and the Chinese Author: Herbert Allen

• Tao Te Ching by S. Mitchell

• Fast Facts of Daoism

• "On Taoism" from the harmony project http://www.theharmonyproject.org/taoism.html

• http://ctext.org/dao-de-jing/zh