ДО 02.06.2020 1. -4 29. - ukhtpedkol.ru´ля-13... · Задание 3. Решите...

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Transcript of ДО 02.06.2020 1. -4 29. - ukhtpedkol.ru´ля-13... · Задание 3. Решите...

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Группы: 13/О_ДО

Задание на 02.06.2020

Добрый день!

Обратите внимание: на проверку поступает много работ, выполненных в

формате Word с одинаковыми ошибками и опечатками, поэтому

будут проверяться только фотоочёты работ, выполненных письменно в

рабочих тетрадях.

1. Работа над лексикой.

Смотрите далее задания 1-4 на странице 28.

Задание 1. Повторите слова, обозначающие части тела.

Задание 2. Напишите предложения-комментарии к картинкам.

Задание 3. Решите кроссворд.

Задание 4. Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы.

2. Работа с текстом.

Смотрите задания 1-4 на странице 29.

Задание 1. Прочитать текст и выбрать к нему заголовок.

Задание 2. Прочитать текст ещѐ раз внимательно, работая со словарѐм.

Предложения переписать и закончить.

Задание 3. Прочитать определения и найти к ним слова в указанных


Задание 4. Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы (даѐм развѐрнутые ответы).

4 Fit and well ocabulary

Grammar > Present perfect with ever, never, for, since, just, yet, already • Present perfect and past simple

Vocabulary • Parts of the body • Health problems and illnesses • Compound nouns connected with health and medicine

Speaking • Describing a scene Writing • Notes and messages

Parts of the body

1 Complete the parts of the body

1 t h r t

2 h.... n d

3 f.... n g... r

5 kn

Health problems and illnesses

2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

1 He's got a hand. 2 She's got a

3 He's got 4 She's got in her leg.

3 Complete the crossword.


Across 1 When you eat too much of something, you often have this. > 2 This is an illness which can make you very hot or cold and

tired. It's common in the winter. 3 This is a very small living thing that can enter your body and

make you ill. 4 When your throat hurts, you have a throat|

Down 1 You have this when your body is unusually hot, when you

have a fever. 2 If you push air through your throat, it makes a sound,

especially when you have a cold. 3 When your ear hurts, you have this. 4 This is a very common problem in the winter. It isn't as seriousf

as 2 across.

4 Look at these questions and write the answers.

1 When do you need an aspirin? You need cm aspirin when you \c got q headache.

2 When do you need to go to the dentist?

3 When do you need a tissue or handkerchief?

4 When do you need to stop eating for a short time?


I Read this newspaper article and choose the best title for it.

1 The woman who stopped speaking 2 That isn't me, is it?' 3 Why accents are not important

L I N D A Walker is a 60-year-old woman f rom Newcastle. She has recently had a stroke. A stroke is a medical problem where blood suddenly cannot get to the brain. Often a stroke can stop people f rom speaking or f rom moving. In the case of Linda Walker it has caused something very unusual. Before, Linda spoke wi th a typical Newcastle accent. That's normal because she has always lived in Newcastle. But now her accent is a mixture of Jamaican, Italian and Slovakian.

It appears that Linda has Foreign Accent Syndrome. Patients speak differently after a problem like a stroke. They first discovered this medical problem in 1941 but it is not very common. Linda hates what has happened to her because she says she now feels like a different person.

'My sister-in-law says that I speak wi th an Italian accent. Then mv brother savs mv accent is Slovakian. I spoke to h im on the phone and he said, "Stop playing wi th me. Talk normally." Now someone has just told me that I sound Jamaican. I've never been to Jamaica. I don't know how to explain i t / she said. 'Everyone hears me differently. At first, I had no idea that I had this problem. Then my doctor plaved a recording of me talking. I couldn't believe i t ! '

Linda said: Tve lost my identity because I never talked like this before. I'm a very different person and it's strange and I don't like it. ' Is it possible for Linda Walker to go back to her original accent? It isn't going to be easy but she is having lessons to see if one day she can speak like the old Linda.

2 Read the text again and complete the sentences.

1 A stroke is when

patients can suffer from Foreign Accent Syndrome but it is not very common.

3 Different people say that Linda speaks with

4 It's very unusual that Linda speaks with a Jamaican accent because

5 Linda was speaking differently at first.

6 Linda couldn't believe it when

that she

3 Find words in the text which have similar meanings to these explanations.

1 the way that people from an area pronounce words (paragraph 1)

2 two or more things mixed together (paragraph 1)

3 when you copy somebody's voice (e.g. on a CD) (paragraph 2)

4 first, the one that existed at the beginning (paragraph 3)

4 What about you?

1 Do you have an accent? If you do have one, what type is it?

7 Linda isn't happy because she 2 Do you think accents are important? Why/Why not?

8 Linda is having lessons because she wants

Unit 4 2 9