♥ 00 lifeofbuddha 150501 rev07 part5

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Transcript of ♥ 00 lifeofbuddha 150501 rev07 part5

Life of Buddha

a summery by CS OoiKL Buddhism Study Group

International Buddhist College April 2015



Buddha’s Ministry 2nd Year to the 30th Year

Version 7

Life of Buddha Kopia Anupiya


401. Today Kopia Anupiya, the protected site by Archaeological department of U.P., is located about 11 km from Khalilabad (on Bakhira-Menhdawal road) & 46 km from Gorakhpur (NH-28), in Sant Kabir Nagar district of U.P., India. The place is also said to be near the site where Gautam Buddha renounced his Royal cloths, Chariot & Sarthi (Channa the Chariot navigator).

Life of Bud dha Kopia Anupiya

Life of Buddha Ruins of Kesariya Stupa, East


Anupiya Mango Grove, on a mount facing the Amona River, (present day Aumi River a tributary of the Gandak River) The people of Malla-rajas built a vihara for the Buddha’s residence. Kesariya Stupa was built there much later. The Historical Buddha: The Times, Life, and Teachings of the Founder of Buddhism By Hans Wolfgang Schumann, .

402. The findings from this site belong to the Maurya, Sunga, Kushana & Gupta period and some of the artifacts recovered out of the excavations have been preserved in the Buddha Museum of Gorakhpur. Presently the site in form a mound is not well maintained and has been encroached by the villagers for agricultural purpose. A temple has been constructed at the top of the mound by villagers.


Life of Buddha Ruins of Kesariya Stupa, East



Life of Buddha Return To Venuvana And The 2nd Vassa



403. The Buddha returned to Venuvana and later spend his 2nd rain retreat at the Bamboo Grove in Rajagrha. The major actives of the past months were;

a) Return to Kapilavastu. b) Overcome the rude Sakyans (Twin Miracle) c) Conversion of several Sakyans relatives. d) Returned to Venuvana and later spend his 2nd rain retreat there.

Life of Buddha Return To Venuvana And The 2nd Vassa

http://www.basicbuddhism.org/index.cfm?GPID=36 Chapter 11(f)

Life of Buddha Ven. Nanda Sees The Nymphets



404. One day, The Buddha asked him to accompany him to the Himalayas. On the way he showed him the charred body of a female monkey and asked him if his bride was prettier than the charred Body of the animal. Nanda answered in affirmative. Buddha then took him to the Tavatimsa, the nymphets and Devatas extended every hospitality to them. There, The Buddha again asked Nanda whether Janapadakalyani was prettier than those nymphets. Nanda then answered in negative.

Life of Buddha Ven. Nanda Sees The Nymphets


Life of Buddha The Beautiful Nymphets



405. The Buddha then promised him any of the nymphets as his spouse if he would lead a monastic life. Nanda in his eagerness agreed. But when he reached the monastery where the eighty monks questioned his pledge for monk-hood, he felt ashamed. Soon he mustered up his courage and strove for attainment of being an arhants. By and by Nanda achieved his target.


Life of Buddha The Beautiful Nymphets

Life of Buddha The First Four Vassa

Buddha with rain in the background. http://s493.photobucket.com/user/Boeddhapictures/media/BoeddhaPictures%20Animations/BUDDHA_RAIN_8.gif.html

406. The Buddhavamsa commentary states that the Buddha spent his first vassa in the deer park at Isipatana near Beneres. The second, third and fourth vassa were spent in Rajagaha. During the non vassa months the Buddha and his monks spent their time in and around Rajagaha and at the Vulture’s Peak. During those three years of the vassa rain retreat months they stayed at Veluvana, or the Bamboo Grove donated by King Bimbisara to Buddha and the Buddhist Monastic.

Life of Buddha The First Four Vassa

A Manual Of Buddhism By Venerable Narada Maha Thera, Buddhist Missionary Society, (1992), Malaysia, Chapter 7. Pg 37.

Life of Buddha Ven. Sariputta

Buddha, Sarioutta with the fan, & Dīghanakha Life Of Lord Budddha, PPT slide-66-728.jpg

Sariputta in meditation which tempted the yaksa to give a blow on his head Jataka 089 Sariputta

407. Sāriputta was a chief disciple (aggasavaka) of the Buddha. He became an Arhat "foremost in wisdom" renowned for his teaching and is depicted in the Theravada tradition. Sāriputta had a very quick intuition, and he became a sotapanna immediately after hearing the first two lines of the stanza spoken by Assaji. Sāriputta became an arahant two weeks after Manggallana. He was staying, at the time, with the Buddha, in the Sūkarakhatalena in Rājagaha, and he reached his goal as a result of hearing the Buddha preach the Vedānapariggaha Sutta to Dīghanakha.

Life of Buddha Ven. Sariputta


Life of Buddha Ven. Moggallana

Life Of Lord Budddha, PPT slide-66-728.jpg

408. When Ven Moggallana first became a monk, he had trouble keeping awake when ever he tries to meditate, Buddha knows this. So one day Buddha went to where Manggallana was meditating and saw that he has fallen asleep. The Buddha then taught Manggallana how to prevent himself from having the sleepy feeling. Moggallāna attained arahantship on the seventh day after his ordination

Life of Buddha Ven. Moggallana


Life of Buddha Arahant Pindola Bharadvaja

Pindola Sutta. http://www.palikanon.com/english/pali_names/pu/pindola.htm A Manual of Indian Buddhism by H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 32

409. The setthi of Rājagaha had placed a sandal wood bowl on a high pole and challenged any holy person to bring it down. Pindola heard of this and, at Moggallāna's suggestion, rose in the air by magic power and brought it down. The Buddha blamed him for using his great gifts for an unworthy end. The bowl was given to the monks to be ground into sandal paste. The Buddha explains to some monks at the Ghositārāma that Pindola Bhāradvāja had realized truth through having cultivated three controlling faculties: mindfulness, concentration, and insight. These accomplish the destruction of birth, old age, and death. S.v.224f. Pindola Sutta.

Life of Buddha Arahant Pindola Bharadvaja

Pindola Sutta. http://www.palikanon.com/english/pali_names/pu/pindola.htm A Manual of Indian Buddhism by H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 32

Life of Buddha The Ratana Sutra At Vesali (5th Year)


410. On the fifth year, the Buddha was invited to Vesali, the Capital of Licchavi because of drought, famine, and diseases. Buddha taught Ananda the Ratana Sutta. He requested that it should be recited within the walls of the city, which Ananda and the Licchavi princes did. There was a thunderstorm and rain fell in torrents. The drought was over and the people recovered. The BuA, p3 says Buddha spent his vassa there, but according to the DhA Buddha spend a week there and the KhA says he spend two weeks there. It was here that the Buddha got news that his father was very ill.

Life of Buddha The Ratana Sutra At Vesali (5th Year)

Life of Buddha Buddha’s Second Trip Back To


Mahidol University Life Of The Buddha Picture 60

411. The Buddha went back to Kapilavastu with his step brother Nanda, his cousin Ananda, Sariputra and Maudgalyayana. He went to visit his father King Suddhodana, who was seriously ill. Overjoyed at seeing the Buddha again, he showed some improvement, and every body think that the king might recover, but the improvement in his health did not last very long.

Life of Buddha Buddha’s Second Trip Back To


Life of Buddha King Suddhodana Passed Away

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 162

412. Since King Suddhodana was very old, he could no longer resist any onslaught of illness, and a few days later, his condition became serious again The Buddha shared the Dharma with his father. On hearing the Dhamma the King became an arahant. Seven days later the King passed away as a lay arahant (ThigA.141), His death caused everybody to grief deeply.

Life of Buddha King Suddhodana Passed Away

Life Of Lord Buddha slide-107-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112http://www.palikanon.com/english/pali_names/s/suddhodana.htm

Life of Buddha Mahanama Sutra 1 (5th Year)


413. The Buddha was at the Nigrodha's monastery in Kapilavatthu. Mahanama asked the Buddha about dying The Buddha then taught the Mahanama Sutta 1 (SN 55.21). If one's mind has long been nurtured with conviction, virtue, learning, relinquishment, discernment, then when the body is eaten by crows, vultures, hawks, dogs, hyenas, or all sorts of creatures, nevertheless the mind, rises upward and separates out.

Life of Buddha Mahanama Sutra 1 (5th Year)


Life of Buddha Mahanama Sutra 2 (5th Vassa)

Buddha and Sakya Mahanama his cousin

414. At another occasion at the Nigrodha's monastery in Kapilavatthu, Mahanama had just got well after an illness. He asked the Buddha, “we abide in various abiding. Which is the most suitable abiding, in which we should abide?“ The Buddha then taught the Mahanama Sutta 2 (AN 11.3) on recollections throughout the day that help the mind becomes concentrated.

Life of Buddha Mahanama Sutra 2 (5th Year)


Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gotami’s Dana

Life Of Lord Buddha slide-108-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

415. The Buddha’s step-mother Maha Prajapati gotami had nursed and brought up the Buddha as if he were her own son. She wanted to give Dana and prepared the saffron robes for the Buddha. Buddha advised her to present the robe to another monk. According to the Mahidol University version, the robes were accepted by Ven Ajita.

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gotami’s Dana

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gotami’s Wish

Life Of Lord Buddha slide-109-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

416. When her husband King Suddhodana passed away she became very sad and began to feel tired of the worldly life. She came to prefer a pure kind of life like following the Buddha, listening to the Buddha Dharma. She wished she could leave home and joined the Buddha’s group of monks in the practice of the Dharma. So she led a group of women with the same idea, and they followed the Buddha.

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gotami’s Wish

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gotami’s Request

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 163 & 164

417. Maha Prajapati Gotami was the first woman to request for the Buddha’s kind permission to let her leave home and become a nun so that she could follow him closely and learn and practice according to his teaching as other bhikkhu did. Although she implored him again and again that she and the other women be accepted as Bhikkhuni, she was three times refused by Buddha. At this she became so disappointed and felt so deeply hurt that she and the other women all began to weep.

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gotami’s Request

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Journeyed To Vaisali

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 165

418. When King Suddhodana’s cremation was ended, the Buddha left Kapilavastu and began travelling and preaching from place to place. At one point he came to the country of Vaisali and resided at the Mahavana Monastry. Lady Maha Prajapati and her group of women all shaved their heads, put on kasayas or the robes, and journeyed on foot towards Vaisali. They could only walk a short distance each day, so it took them a long time to finally arrive at the Mahavana Monastry, where the Buddha was staying.

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Journeyed To Vaisali

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Arrived At Vaisali

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 166

419. When they arrived, after walking bare footed for a long time, their feet were all swollen, and their bodies had become thin and weaken by fatigue. Maha Prajapati stood at the entrance of the monastery and could not hold back her tears. Ananda had just come out of the monastery gate

and found the lady weeping sorrowfully. He asked her why

she was crying. The lady said: ”Venerable Ananda! The

Buddha did not allow me and my women to leave home.

I want nothing else. I wish only to leave home and become

a nun, and so I am crying!”

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Arrived At Vaisali

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gets Ananda’s Help

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 167

420. Ananda consoled her:” My noble lady! Please wait here

for a little while. If this is so, I shall entreat the Buddha to

have compassion and to allow women to practice dharma

as well as the bhikkhu.” Promising the lady that he would

do all that he could to help her, Ananda then went back to

the monastery to see the Buddha. With deep reverence, he requested that the Buddha show his mercy and let women leave home as men were allowed to do. But the Buddha replied: “Ananda! No, no! Do not ask me to do this!”

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Gets Ananda’s Help

Life of Buddha Ananda Speaks To The Buddha

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha Page 168

421. Ananda did not back down but, with courage, persisted

in his entreaty for a second and third time. The Buddha refused his requests. Ananda thought to himself: “the Buddha does not consent my direct request. Maybe he will consent if I plead in a different way. “So he asked: “Buddha! If women quit worldly affairs and become nuns and strictly practice pure living according to dharma, will they be able following the order of the holy path to attain to the four fruits? Will they be able to attain nirvana?” The Buddha replied ”Ananda! If women quit worldly affairs, become nuns and practice according to dharma, they too can during this present lifetime, attain the stages of arhants and nirvana.

Life of Buddha Ananda Speaks To The Buddha

Life of Buddha Ananda Convinces The Buddha

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 169

422. Ananda then said: “In that case, I beg the Buddha to consider that, lady Maha-Prajapati has, in former times, done you the greatest favor; for she is your aunt, as well as your foster mother, and she breast fed you from the time your mother passed away as well as teaching you and bringing you up in place of your mother. Buddha, I beg you, for the sake of this lady, kindly allow women to leave home like men so that they can also practice the Buddha-dharma in pursuit of the highest holy fruit that you have expounded to the people of the world.”

Life of Buddha Ananda Convinces The Buddha

Life of Buddha The Eight Conditions For A Bhiksuni

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 170(6th Year)

423. The Buddha said: “ All right, Ananda! If Lady Maha-Prajapati is willing to observe the ‘eight ways of showing respect’ strictly, I shall allow her to leave home!” Then he explained the eight forms of showing respect to Ananda, and finally he stood up and said: “Ananda! If Lady Maha-Prajapati willingly observes these eight forms of showing respect all her life, she will be a bhiksuni, pure in conduct and complete in virtue!” (Vin.ii.253ff)

Life of Buddha The Eight Conditions For A Bhiksuni

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Agrees

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 171

424. Having obtained the Buddha’s permission, Ananda went out to tell Lady Maha-Prajapati what the Buddha had said. The lady was very happy, and she said to Ananda: “Venerable Ananda! Young girls like to dress up; they wash and bathe themselves and then, with both hands’ raise beautiful, fragrant flower garlands to place on their heads, carefully adjusting and fixing this decoration. Likewise, I shall observe the eight commandments as if they were a garland of flowers on a young girl’s head and make sure this garland does not fall from my head throughout my life.

Life of Buddha Maha Prajapati Agrees

Life of Buddha Ananda Returns To See The Buddha

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 172

425. Ananda returned to see the Buddha once again, bowed and then said: “Buddha! Lady Maha-prajapati is willing to observe strictly the eight ways of showing respect that you have mentioned, for she has now reasized her desire of being able to become a bhiksuni!” The Buddha said: “Ananda, with women in the order the correct doctrine of dharma will prevail for a shorter period than with men; for if a tribe has more women than men, how can they ward off ferocious bandits and resist outside oppression? With women as nuns, the Buddha dharma cannot prevail for very long.” (according to the Buddha’s prediction, if women joined the sangha, starting with Maha-prajapati as the first bhiksuni the time of prevalence of the dharma would be shortened by the hundred years).

Life of Buddha Ananda Returns To See The Buddha

Life of Buddha Preventing The Rohini River War (6th


PB The illustrated book on buddhism, Page 42 http://www.thisismyanmar.com/nibbana/1to5.htm

426. During the Sixth Year after the Buddha’s Enlightenment the Buddha was residing at Mankula Hill. Rohini river lying between Kapilavatthu and Koliya was the main source of water supply for these two cities to irrigate their lands for growing crops. When the crops became dry, the farmers from both cities went to draw water from the river when there was very little water there. A quarrel arose over it. The Ministers became so angry that they decided to settle this matter by battle and both sides sallied forth for a fight.

Life of Buddha Preventing The Rohini River War (6th


(AA.i.186; SNA.i.357; ThigA.141; details of the quarrel are given in J.v.412ff).Gotama The last of the twentyfive Buddhas. Pg 14.

Life of Buddha Buddha’s Second Twin Miracle (6th Year)

Life Of The Buddha (Burmese Edition) with Pictures, Page 112 http://namoamitabha.ws/LifeOfShakyamuniBuddhaWithPictures.html

427. The Buddha knew that there would be much blood-shed if they engaged in battle. Thus went alone and sat cross-legged in the air midway between the armed forces of both sides. After delivering a sermon of peace to two powerful warning armies of Kapilavatthu and Koliya at the opposite banks of the Rohini river before the two countries started fighting for the water supply of the river.

Ven Narada in A Manual of Buddhism & Tan Lai Kheng in Buddha's Ministery (First 20 Years) cited that the Buddha was residing at Mankula Hill while H Kern in A Manual of Indian Buddhism gave his vassa venue as Savasti. .

Life of Buddha Buddha’s Second Twin Miracle (6th Year)

A Manual of Indian Buddhism by H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 31 http://purifymind.com/ManualBuddhism.htm Buddha's Ministery (First 20 Years) Tan Lai Kheng. http://www.basicbuddhism.org/index.cfm?GPID=36 A Manual of Buddhism Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 40

Life of Buddha The Six Heretical Teachers (7th Year)

King asking the Heretical Teachers if any of them claim to be the Buddha, Pg. 49.. http://www.saraniya.com/page/buddhism/illustrated-history-of-buddhism.html# 33

428. The foremost six heretical teachers or Tirthikas, namely Purapa Kassapa, Makkhali Gosala, Ajita Kesakambalin, Pakudha Kaccayana, Nigantha Nataputta and Sanjaya Belatthiputta were jealous of the Buddha’s growing popularity. They secretly plotted to discredit the Buddha. They tried to influence King Pasenadi (Skt = Presenajit) of Kosala in Sravasti. Buddha knowing this travelled there and stayed at Jetavana.

A Manual of Indian Buddhism by H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 32 http://purifymind.com/ManualBuddhism.htm


Life of Buddha The Six Heretical Teachers (7th Year)

Life of Buddha King Pasenadi And The Buddha

http://www.saraniya.com/page/buddhism/illustrated-history-of-buddhism.html The Illustrated History Of Buddhism by Ashin Janaka. Saraniya Dhamma

429. King Brahmadatta Pasenadi asks the blessed one if he admit himself to be the Buddha. The Buddha then performed a series of inimitable wonders for the king and public. He created a rainbow bridge in the sky from the East to the West . He ascended the bridge and preached the Law of the four foundations (axions) to the people,

Life of Buddha King Pasenadi And The Buddha

http://www.saraniya.com/page/buddhism/illustrated-history-of-buddhism.html The Illustrated History Of Buddhism by Ashin Janaka. Saraniya Dhamma.

Life of Buddha The Sixteen Dreams Of King Pasenadi

Mahāsupina Jātaka (No. 77) http://www.dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?t=10807#p164061

430. King Brahmadatta Pasenadi, king of Kosala one night had sixteen bad dreams. He consulted his brahmins. They presaged harm either to his kingdom, his life, or his wealth, and prescribed all manner of sacrifices in order to avert the danger. Queen Mallikā, the king's wife, heard of this and suggested to the King to consult the Buddha. The king followed her advice, and the Buddha explained the dreams to the King’s satisfaction. The Buddha told then told King Pasenadi a story of the past.

Life of Buddha  The Sixteen Dreams Of King Pasenadi

Mahāsupina Jātaka (No. 77) http://www.dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?t=10807#p164061

Life of Buddha Tavatimsa Heaven (7th Year)

Buddha's trip to Tavatimsa Heaven http://factsanddetails.com/asian/cat64/sb414/item2624.htm

431. In this 7th year during the rainy three months, He preached the Abhidhamma to the Devas of this Celestial Plane, headed by His mother Deva. Daily he came to earth via Samkasya and gave a summary of his sermon to the Venerable Sariputta, who in turn expounded the same doctrine in detail to his disciples. What is embodied in the present Abhidhamma Pitaka is supposed to be this detailed exposition of the Dhamma by him. It is stated that on hearing these philosophical discourses the mother Deva attained the First Stage of Sainthood.

A Manual of Indian Buddhism by H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 33 http://purifymind.com/ManualBuddhism.htm


Life of Buddha Tavatimsa Heaven. (7th Year)

Life of Buddha Buddha Opens All The Worlds

Life Of Lord Buddha Mahindol University A Picture 65

432. On the day that the Buddha descended from Tavatimsa he performed another miracle. While he was standing on the jewel stairway, he looked upwards and the worlds of the devas (Deva loka) and the Brahmas (Brahma loka) were revealed. Then he looked downward, and the hell realms (Yama loka) were revealed. At that time the celestial realms, the hell realms and the human realms (Manussa loka) throughout the universe were all be visible to each other.

Life of Buddha Buddha Opens All The Worlds

Life Of Lord Buddha Mahindol University A Picture 65

Life of Buddha

The Accusations Of Cinca. (7th Year)

Buddha's trip to Tavatimsa Heaven http://factsanddetails.com/asian/cat64/sb414/item2624.htm

433. From Samkasya the Buddha went to Jetavana near Sravasti. The Trithikas are more angry than ever at his increasing fame. They induced a young woman Cinca Manavika to accuse the Buddha of having carnal intercourse with her. She succeeded by feigned visits to the Jetavana, to arouse the suspicion of the public. She also contrived the appearance to be pregnant. On the ninth month in the presence of a large assembly she accused the Buddha for causing her pregnancy.

Life of Buddha The Accusations Of Cinca. (7th Year)

A False Accusation Against The Buddha The Illustrated History Of Buddhism, Ashin Janaka Bhivamsa. Saraniya, Yangon, Pg 58. http://www.saraniya.com/page/ buddhism/illustrated-history-of-buddhism.html#40 A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 33 -34

Life of Buddha

Sakra And The Four Devas. (7th Year)

https://biografibuddha.wordpress.com/page/7https://biografibuddha.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/defeat2.jg.Biografi Buddha

434. At that time Sakra and four devas who had transformed into mice came to that gathering. The mice gnawed through the strings which held the wooden globe that gave the appearance of pregnancy to Cinca. The globe and rope fell to the ground and exposed the fraud of Cinca to all present. Another version of the story states that at that time the earth opened up. Flames rising from the open hole devoured Cinca and dragged her down to the Avici Hell.

Life of Buddha Sakra And The Four Devas (7th Year)

Sakra and the four Devas. The Illustrated History Of Buddhism, Ashin Janaka Bhivamsa. Saraniya, Yangon, Pg 58. http://www.saraniya.com/page/ buddhism/illustrated-history-of-buddhism.html#40 A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 34

Life of Buddha

The Eighth Retreat At Crocodile Hill (8th Year)

His Life In Prince Of Siddhattha (Buddha) Dong Hung Temple Buddhist Education Center Venerable Thich Chuc Dai http://bodhimandala1.blogspot.com /2011/12/his-life-in-prince-of-siddhattha-buddha.html

435. The Buddha was staying at the Crocodile Hill (Sumsumaragiri) Deerpark of the Bhesakala forest in the Bharga country. Prince Bodhi just completed a new palace and invited Buddha. The prince spread a white cloth over the stairs to the palace. The Buddha refused to step on the cloth. The cloth was then removed. After the dana the Buddha gave a discourse and laid down the four rules that the monks were forbidden to do.

Life of Buddha The Eighth Retreat At Crocodile Hill (8th


A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 34 Great Disciples Of The Buddha, Nyanaponika, Hellmuth Hecker, Wisdom Chapter 1.

Life of Buddha

The Four Rules (8th Year)


436. The rules that the monks were forbidden to do are as follows: monks are not allowed to step on cloth or for use after the feet are washed (V 2:127); Pāc 56. On not kindling a fire when not sick (V 4:115 f); Sekh 55. On not accepting a drinking vessel with food-soiled hands (V 4:198); Sekh 56 On not throwing away bowl-washing with rice-grains when amongst houses (V 4:199). Cf V 5:145; VA 1305.

Life of Buddha The Four Rules (8th Year)

A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 34 Great Disciples Of The Buddha, Nyanaponika, Hellmuth Hecker, Wisdom Chapter 1.

Life of Buddha

Nakulapita Sutta (8th Year)

Past Life of Bodhisattva. Nakulapita Sutta Translated & annotated by Piya Tan ©2003, http://dharmafarer.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/5.4-Nakulapita-S-s22.1-piya.pdf

437. Another incident at Sumsumaragiri or the Crocodile Hill is that the Buddha met Father and Mother of Nakula (MN 15). In former lives they had been the Bodhisattva’s parents for several births. (AA 3:95). The Buddha taught them the Dharma and they became streamwinners. The Buddha again visited their village again on the 19th Vassa, when they were old. Both expressed a longing to be together again in their future lives. (AN 4.55). They were also very faithful to each other.

Life of Buddha Nakulapita Sutta (8th Year)

Past Life of Bodhisattva. Nakulapita Sutta Translated & annotated by Piya Tan ©2003, http://dharmafarer.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/5.4-Nakulapita-S-s22.1-piya.pdf

Life of Buddha

Ghosita Monastery, Kosambi. (9th Year)

Magandiya Her Father And Mother. http://vanghe.blogspot.com/2012_05_01_archive .html A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 34 Great Disciples Of The Buddha, Nyanaponika, Hellmuth Hecker, Wisdom Chapter 1.

438. The Buddha spent the ninth rain retreat at Kosambi (Kausambi) in the Ghositarama. It was here that the pretty Magandiya had a grudge against the Buddha for what he uttered when her father proposed to give her in marriage to him. (Dhammapada Story 320 – 330). Also during this year, a monk unintentionally broke a vinaya rule and a dispute broke out. The Buddha tried to stop it. He told the story of Prince Dighavu, son of King Kosala. But he was not successful. After uttering some suitable stanzas the Buddha then left for the Balakalopakara Village to spend his time as a hermit.

Life of BuddhaGhosita Monastery, Kosambi. (9th Year)

Magandiya Her Father And Mother. http://vanghe.blogspot.com/2012_05_01_archive .html Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 34 Treasury Of Truth, Ven Weragoda Sarada, Dhammapada Verses & Story 320, 321 and 322 Attadanta Vatthu Pg 1288

Life of Buddha

The Honey Moon Offering (10th Year)

A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 35 http://westvirginiawisdom.blogspot.com/2011/09/wisdom-quarterly-buddha-being-served-by.html

439. Owing to some unfortunate dispute that could not be settled between two parties of Bhikkhus, the Buddha retired to the Parileyyake forest for the Tenth Rain Retreat. He dwelt in the Rakkhita Grove under the Bhadrasala tree It was on this occasion, according to the story, that an elephant and a monkey ministered to his needs. He felt all the happiness of a solitary life and enjoyed his calm life away from people. After the Lent the Buddha went to Sravasti. There he met the two parties of Bhikkhus who having realised their errors had restored the unity among the Sangha.

Life of BuddhaThe Honey Moon Offering (10th Year)

A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 35 http://westvirginiawisdom.blogspot.com/2011/09/wisdom-quarterly-buddha-being-served-by.html

Life of Buddha

Kasi Bharadvaja Sutta (111h Year)

A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 35 http://westvirginiawisdom.blogspot.com/2011/09/wisdom-quarterly-buddha-being-served-by.html

440. This story at the Southern hills (Dakkhinagiri) when the Buddha visited Kasi Bharadvaja. The Buddha tells him that in his work as a Teacher are to be found all the elements of a farmers duties: faith is the seed, insight the plough, mindfulness the ploughs hare and goad, energy the burden bearing team. The harvest produced by the sowing is nibbana and the food ambrosia, free from suffering and sorrow. Thus the Buddhist Parable of the Sower, forming the fourth sutta of the Uraga Vagga of the Sutta Nipata. (Pp.12ff; also found in the Samyutta i.171ff under the name of Kasi Sutta and included in the Paritta).

Life of BuddhaKasi Bharadvaja Sutta (111h Year)

A Manual of Indian Buddhism, H Kern (1989) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Pg 35 http://westvirginiawisdom.blogspot.com/2011/09/wisdom-quarterly-buddha-being-served-by.html

Life of Buddha

The Famine (12th Year)

A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

441. During this period the Buddha and His disciples were compelled to live on food used for horses. At that time there was a famine, and five hundred householders of Uttarapatha, staying with Mr. Veranja, supplied the monks with poor quality food. Moggallana proposed to get food by the exercise of his magic power or by going with the monks to Uttarakuru, but he was dissuaded by the Buddha. During this stay Sariputta received from the Buddha an explanation as to why the religious systems of the three previous Buddhas lasted so long, while those of the three preceding them - Vipassi, Sikhi and Vesabhu, did not last long.

Life of BuddhaThe Famine (12th Year)

A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of Buddha

Mr. Veranja (12th Year)

A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

442. At the conclusion of the vassa, the Buddha wished to take leave of Veranja before setting out, as was the custom of Buddhas when they received hospitality. Veranja admitted that, though he had invited the Buddha, he had not kept his promise, and this was due to his having too many duties in the house. The Commentators add that Veranja forgot his invitation because Mara, being in a spiteful mood, had taken possession of him and of all the inhabitants of Veranja (Sp.i.178 L; DhA.ii.153; cf. J.iii.494). The stay at Veranja forms the introduction to the Vinaya.

Life of BuddhaMr. Veranja (12th Year)

A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of Buddha

Caliya Rock (13th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 127 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

443, The elder Meghiya was till now the personal attendant of Buddha. When he was at Cālikā Mountain, near the city of Calika, he was attached to the beautiful mango grove near a river. So he asked the Buddha for permission to go there for meditation. The Buddha asked him to wait till another monk came. But he repeated the request. The Buddha granted him permission. The elder went, but to his surprise he was opposed by thoughts of sense pleasures, ill will and harm, and returned disappointed. Buddha then exponded the Meghiya Sutta (Ud 4.1).

Life of Buddha Caliya Rock (13th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 127 http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/ud/ud.4.01. than.html#

Life of Buddha

Ven. Rahula Higher Ordination (14th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 128 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

444. On this 14th Year the Buddha and the monks were at the Jetavana Monastry in Savasti. At this time Venerable Rahula who is still a novice (samanera) received his Higher Ordination (upasampada). According to the vinaya, higher ordination is not conferred before the age of twenty. Ven Rahula has now reach his 20th year.

Life of Buddha Ven. Rahula Higher Ordination (14th


Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 127 http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/ud/ud.4.01. than.html#

Life of Buddha

The Buddha And Ven. Rahula

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 124-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

445. Buddha taught Ven. Rahula that if he overturn a bowl, the water would be gone. This meant that if we have the Dhamma in our mind, we would not tell a lie and tell only the truth. If we do not cultivate the virtues of the five precepts, we will loose our virtues and truthfulness, and our merits will be gone. Ven. Rahula is considered as the most truthful of monks.

Life of Buddha The Buddha And Ven. Rahula

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 124-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha

Death Of King Suppabuddha (15th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 128 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

446. The tragic death of King Suppabuddha, the father of Princess Yasodhara, occurred in this year. The Buddha spend this year’s rain retreat at Kapilavastu. It should be noted that the Buddha spent only one Retreat in his birthplace.

Life of Buddha Death Of King Suppabuddha (15th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 127 http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/ud/ud.4.01. than.html#

Life of Buddha

City Of Alavaka (16th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 128 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera 1(992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

447. On the sixteenth year of His Enlightenment, the Buddha tamed the carnivorous Demon King, Alavaka who feasted on human flesh, to give up his habit on devouring at least one human being everyday. After hearing the Buddha’s Teaching, he henceforth gave up his habit, thus sparing the small child offered to him as food on that day. After the conversion of Alavaka, he took refuge in the triple gem.

Life of Buddha City Of Alavaka (16th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 127 http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/ud/ud.4.01. than.html#

Life of Buddha

Veluvana Monastery, Rajagaha (17th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 129 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

448. During the 17th Year while at Rajagaha, a well-known courtesan named Siriman died. She is the sister of Doctor Jivaka the personal physician of the Buddha. The Buddha attended her funeral. He asked the King who was also there to inform that the beautiful body of Siriman is for action. Anyone is allowed to buy up the pretty dead body that had been popular and attracted so many when she was alive. No one cared to have it even without paying a piece. On that occasion the Buddha spoke this Dhammapada Verse 147.

Life of BuddhaVeluvana Monastery, Rajagaha (17th


Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 129 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of Buddha

The Weaver’s Daughter (18th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 129 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

449. The 18th Year sees the Buddha and his monks spending their rain retreat again at Caliya rock in Cālikā Mountain. Here he spoke the Dhammapada Verse 174 after teaching the Dharma to a big gathering and a Weaver’s Daughter who was inspired to practice after listening to the Buddha for the first time three months ago. The girl then answered the four questions asked by the Buddha correctly. After Buddha’s teaching, the Buddha knew she has gain the fruit of the First Path, and her future existence will be certain. Later that same day the weaver’s daughter died of an accident and was reborn in the Tusita heaven.

Life of Buddha The Weaver’s Daughter (18th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 129 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of Buddha

Caliya Rock (19th Year)

Past Life of Bodhisattva. Nakulapita Sutta Translated & annotated by Piya Tan ©2003, http://www.dmc.tv/pages/buddha_biography/Vesak_Day_Lord_Buddha_ Day _2.html

450. The Buddha and the monks stayed back again at Caliya Rock. The Buddha visited the couple Nakulapita and Nakulamata. They entertained him, telling of their devotion to each other in this life and asking for a teaching which should keep them likewise together in the after-life. (Samajīvi S (A 4.55/2:61 f)). The Buddha referred to this event in the assembly of the Order, declaring them to be the most warm and trustworthy of companions (vissasika) among his lay disciples. (A 1:400 f).

Life of Buddha Caliya Rock (19th Year)

Past Life of Bodhisattva. Nakulapita Sutta Translated & annotated by Piya Tan ©2003, http://www.dmc.tv/pages/buddha_biography/Vesak_Day_Lord_Buddha_ Day _2.html

Life of Buddha


Buddha and Paribbājaka Bhaggava DN 24 Patika Sutta http://www.palikanon.com/english/pali_names/pa/patika.htm

451. Devadatta attained the five types of supernatural powers that can be developed through meditation. Buddha related the story of Sunakkhatta to Paribbājaka Bhaggava in the Patika Sutta (DN 24) where he resigned from the sangha because the Buddha would not work mystic wonders for him nor reveal to him the beginnings of things. The Buddha is shown as holding the practice of miracles not entirely worthy.

Life of Buddha Sunakkhatta

DN 24 Patika Sutta http://www.palikanon.com/english/pali_names/pa/patika.htm

Life of Buddha

Rajagaha (20th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg http://www.dmc.tv/pages/buddha_biography/Vesak _Day_Lord_Buddha_Day_2.html http://wallpaper.365greetings.com/religious/ buddhism/buddha/buddha-2r.jpg.html

452. This year the Buddha and his monks spent their rain retreat in the Veluvana Monastry, Rajagaha. After the vassa was over Buddha and his monks travelled to Savarthi. The Buddha was now 56 years old.

Life of Buddha Rajagaha (20th Year)

Collected Wheels Publications Vol 1, Various Authors (2008) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy Pg 129 A Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of Buddha

Angulimala Ahimsaka (21th Year)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angulimala Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46


453. Angulimala is an important early figure in Buddhism, particularly within the Theravada suttas. A ruthless killer who is redeemed by a sincere conversion to Buddhism, He is seen as an example of the redemptive power of the Buddha's teaching and the universal human potential for spiritual progress, regardless of one's background. The Buddha converted Angulimala during the 20th year after his enlightenment.

Life of Buddha Angulimala Ahimsaka (21th Year)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angulimala Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of Buddha

Angulimala Paritta And Sutra (21th Year)

Angulimala Reciting the Paritta http://www.buddhistdoor.com/OldWeb/bdoor /archive /budd_story/blpg37.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angulimala Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46


454. Angulimala Paritta and Angulimala Sutra (MN 86) was a result of the Buddha’s teachings on Angulimala. One day as he went on his alms-round he saw a woman in pain of difficult child birth. Moved by compassion he reported this pathetic case to the Buddha who then taught the Angulimala Paritta which runs as follows:-"Sister, since I was born in the Ariyan clan, I know not that I consciously destroyed the life of any living being. By this truth may there be happiness and well-being, to you and to your unborn baby”. 

Life of Buddha Angulimala Paritta And Sutra (21th Year)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angulimala Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of Buddha Ananda And The Buddha (21th Year)

His Life In Prince Of Siddhattha (Buddha) Dong Hung Temple Buddhist Education Center Venerable Thich Chuc Dai http://bodhimandala1.blogspot.com /2011/12/his-life-in-prince-of-siddhattha-buddha.html

A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Budha Page 173

455. Of all the disciples of the Buddha, Ananda, his cousin, revered the Buddha most. He was, therefore selected to be the Buddha’s close attendant. Another of Buddha’s cousins had also left home and similarly become a monk when the Buddha was thirty-five years old. But this cousin’s actions were all contrary to Ananda’s. Instead of obeying and serving the Buddha, he competed with him in every occasion, was very envious of him, and tried every trick, with the help of evil people among his relatives and friends, to disrupt the Sangha. This cousin’s name was Devadatta.


Life of Buddha Ananda And The Buddha (21th Year)

Life of Buddha Ananda Bodhi Tree


456 When the Buddha was absent from Jetavana devotees naturally missed him, so Ananda, the Buddha’s attendant, asked of the Buddha what in his absence might be reverenced and in answer the Buddha mentioned bodily relics, things reminiscent of him and things that he had used, in particular the great Bodhi Tree under which he had attained Enlightenment. Ananda then had a seed of the Bodhi Tree brought to Jetavana and planted so that it would be, as the Buddha himself said, as if the Buddha were constantly present at Jetavana. To this very day, that tree is known as the Ananda Bodhi Tree. 

Life of Buddha Ananda Bodhi Tree

http://www.jademountains.net/ananda-bodhi-tree/ Manual Of Buddhism, Ven Narada, Maha Thera (1992) Buddhist Missionary Society, Kuala Lumpur Chapter 7 Pg 46

Life of BuddhaVen. Sariputta’s Request

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-74-728.jpg http://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

457. As the number of monks grew, Ven Sariputta request the Buddha to set up the disciplines for all monks. Buddha replied that he would set up the disciplines after any problems had happened. Buddha said that he should not set up any disciplines before thing happened. 

Life of Buddha Ven. Sariputta’s Request

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-74-728.jpg http://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The First Discipline

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458. Buddha had set up the first discipline when monk Suthin’s mother asked him to sleep with his wife so that his wife would have baby for his family. Buddha asked all monks not to have sex with a woman while they are monks.

Life of Buddha The First Discipline

Life Of Lord Buddha slide-75-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Don’t Adhere To Luxurious Things

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459. One day, the son of a rich family came to ordain to be a monk. He build his own big house in the temple’s ground. Buddha asked the monks to destroy it and said to him that his life should not adhere to the luxurious things.

Life of Buddha Don’t Adhere To Luxurious Things

Life Of Lord Buddha slide-76-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Do Not Kill One-self Or Others

Life Of Lord Buddha slide-77-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

460. Some monks believed that if he would like to reduce passion, he had to kill himself. No life means no passion. Buddha had set up the discipline for the monk not to kill himself or others. Killing is a breaking of the first precept.

Life of Buddha Do Not Kill One-self Or Others

Life Of Lord Buddha slide-77-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Do Not Magnify Yourself As Arahants

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide-78-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

461. Buddha would like to protect the good monks from the bad monks. So he asked all the monks not to magnify themselves as arahants if they weren’t especially if they had the purpose to deceive people for their benefits.

Life of Buddha Do Not Magnify Yourself As Arahants

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-78-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Monks Must Behave Respectfully

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462. Buddha taught the monks to behave respectfully. He use the example of behaving like the new daughter-in-law that shows respect to her husband’s parents, and too always avoid doing un-respectful and bad things.

Life of Buddha Monks Must Behave Respectfully

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-79-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Monks Must Have Good Eating Habits

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 80-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

463. Buddha taught the good monks would not eat the food that do not belong to him. The good monks would aim at finishing the food other monks left for him, without wasting the food. He also taught the monk to eat mindfully and without making chapping sound when chewing the food. He advised them not to talk while eating.

Life of Buddha Monks Must Have Good Eating Habits

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-80-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Monks Must Have Good Bedtime Habits

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 81-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

464. Buddha taught that the good monks should have good sleeping habits. They should not sleep on soft comfortable beds of mattresses. If they feel good and comfortable, they would become careless and this can lead to the loss of the practice of Sacca Dhamma. He requested all monks to sleep on the floor or low platform since then.

Life of Buddha Monks Must Have Good Bedtime Habits

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-81-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Monks Must Be Controlled By


Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 82-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

465. Buddha taught that the good monks should be aware all the time of the way they set, the way they slept, the way they stood, and the way they walked. All behaviors had to be controlled by consciousness.

Life of Buddha Monks Must Be Controlled By


Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-82-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Simili Of A Raft

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 131-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

466. In the Alagaddupama Sutta (MN 22) Buddha taught that the Dhamma is compared to a raft, for the purpose of crossing over, not for the purpose of holding onto. The raft could get the man to the other shore. But after he reach his destination, he didn’t need to carry it with him any more. The raft have served our purpose so we can just leave it behind. The raft is used by the Buddha as an simile for our ego and our idea of this is mine, and that one clings to and cannot part with.

Life of Buddha Simile Of A Raft


Life of Buddha Simile Of The Water Snake


467. Also in the Alagaddupama Sutta (MN 22) the Buddha said that monks having studied the Dhamma for the wrong purpose and don't ascertain the meaning (or the purpose) of those Dhamma they don't reach the goal of ending suffering. This is like the wrong-grasp of the Dhamma. The Dhamma is thus like a poisonous water snake. By grasping it by the coils or by the tail. The water-snake, turning around, would bite him and from that cause he would suffer death or death-like suffering.

Life of Buddha Simile Of The Water Snake


Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Snake

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 83-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

468. One day when the Buddha was walking across the fields with Ananda the came across a beg of money and gold on the ground. Buddha pointed to the beg of money and gold on the ground and said to Ananda that we have to see the money left on the ground as a dangerous snake. It is not good for the monks to find this money and keep it.

Life of BuddhaThe Simile Of The Snake

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-83-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Hot Iron

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 84-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

469 Buddha pointed out to the monks that they should not do or say bad things to people. If they do bad things to people it is like putting a hot iron on their body. If they say bad things it is like putting a hot iron to their mouth. If the monks did bad things they might as well be dead,

Life of BuddhaThe Simile Of The Hot Iron

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-84-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Forest

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 85-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

470. One day the monks had different views about the beauty of the forest and they came to see the Buddha, Buddha pointed out that the forest would be beautiful when the monk succeeded, got enlightened and became Arahant.

Life of BuddhaThe Simile Of The Forest

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-85-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Hardwood

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 87-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

471. Buddha taught that the successful monk should aim at achieving the core of Buddhist knowledge The core of knowledge is like the hardwood of a tree. They should not just be interested in its leaf, the bark or the sapwood.

Life of BuddhaThe Simile Of The Hardwood

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide-87-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The Simile Of Having Nothing To Eat

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 88-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

472. The Buddha taught that the good monk should not put priority on eating. If you do so, you behave like the husband and wife in the story where they were lost in the desert with nothing to eat for several days. When their son died the husband and wife hungrily ate the corpse of the son. This is a bad and awesome act.

Life of Buddha The Simile Of Having Nothing To Eat

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 88-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The Simile Of Being Like Animals

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 80-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

473. The Buddha taught that our eyes, ears, nose, mouths, tongues bodies and minds are like the various animals that would like to go on their own ways. If we could control all of them, we will be happy.

Life of Buddha The Simile Of Being Like Animals

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 89-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Four Dangers

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 90-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

474. The Buddha taught the four dangers that can cause accidents. They are the danger from female just like the shark, the danger from our delusion just like a whirlpool, the danger of eating just like a crocodile and the danger of anger just like a big wave.

Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Four Dangers

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 90-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Dung Beetle

Life Of Lord Buddha PPI slide 91-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9977l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

475. The Buddha taught that the monk who put priority on eating would be like the dung beetle (an insect) that ate faces. Monks should eat mindfully at the right time, eat the right amount, eat with good manners and eat only food that are served.

Life of Buddha The Simile Of The Dung Beetle

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 91-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Delusion On The Bad Things

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476. A group of performing artists whose occupation is to entertain people wanted to know from the Buddha what would happen to them after their death. Buddha told them that if they entertain the people to have delusion on the bad things, they would become Jinn. In their entertainment to people they should teach honesty, good moral and truth.

Life of BuddhaDelusion On The Bad Things

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 96-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of Buddha Teacher And Students

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477. Buddha talked about the teamwork of the teacher and his student in a village. The old master or old mentor would train young student or young mentee well. Both had to perform their assigned job well together as a team. The student must obey the learned advice of the teacher to do and perform his duties as his teacher wishes. This way they can be a good team that will progress well.

Life of BuddhaTeacher And Students

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 102-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112


Life of BuddhaDeath Follows All Lives

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478. The Buddha taught King Pasenadi Kosala that death follows all lives. Buddhism views the idea that our lives end with death as a serious delusion. It sees everything in the universe, everything that happens, as part of a vast living web of interconnection. The vibrant energy we call life which flows throughout the universe has no beginning and no end. Life is a continuous, dynamic process of change. Why then should human life be the one exception? Why should our existence be an arbitrary, one-shot deal, disconnected from the universal rhythms of life? So because of this everyone should be careful and follow the teachings of the Dhamma.

Life of BuddhaDeath Follows All Lives

Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 105-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of BuddhaA Lidded Pot OF Water

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479. The Buddha said that the person who knew the four noble truths and had good behavior would compare to a lidded pot full of water. A mind which has abandoned and overcome the 5 hindrances of desire, anger, drowsiness, worry, and doubt, is like a lidded pot. When the led is opened in a bright place, the water is clear, still, pure and you can see right through to the bottom.

Life of Buddha A Lidded Pot Of Water

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Life of BuddhaThree Types Of People

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480. The Buddha spoke of three types of persons. One who had no eyes, does not know how to generate wealth, does not know what is right or wrong, and does not know what is good or bad. This person has no wealth and cannot perform good works (such as giving gifts, making donations, etc). The one who had only one eye knows how to generate wealth but does not know what is blameworthy or not, and what is good or evil. This person may obtain wealth through whatever means including violence, theft and deception. The one with two eyes represent the person who could find a good job and had high moral value for his life, as well as to support the immediate families and contribute to society. 

Life of BuddhaThree Types Of People

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Life of BuddhaThe Monk Punna

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481. In the Punna Sutta (SN 35.88), the monk Punna asked the Buddha for permission for him to go to propagate the Dhamma. He said that he will see things positively, and gave an example that if the cruel people threw stones at him, he will feel that they are ignorant and it is better that they hurt him then he hurting them. Buddha said that Punna was the right man to propagate the Dhamma because he had good attitude.

Life of Buddha The Monk Punna

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Life of BuddhaThe Monk Sunita

Theragatha XII.2 Sunita.

482. In the Theragatha (XII.2), the monk Sunita was an untouchable from Savatthi. He was a night soil carrier, a scavenger, and a road sweeper. He was born in a very poor family. People found him disgusting and he was an outcast. Sunita was ordained by Buddha himself. From that day forth no one knew what Sunita's caste was, and nobody treated him with disgust and cruelty. The compassionate Buddha was sympathetic to all the world. Sunita practiced night and day following Buddha's instructions and became a full Arahant.

Life of Buddha The Monk Sunita

Theragatha XII.2 Sunita. http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/buddhism/lifebuddha/31lbud.htm

Life of BuddhaNibbana Is Like Boiled Rice

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483. Buddha explained that Nibbana is like boiled rice that is suited to be eaten. However when it is just done, it will be unsuitable to eat right away. We need to wait for a while so that it would drop to the right temperature to becomes normal and become eatable. The Buddha also said, ”There is no happiness that can be compared with Nibbana.”

Life of BuddhaNibbana Is Like Boiled Rice

The_Island An Anthology of the Buddha’s Teachings On Nibbana by Ajian Pasanno and Amaro, Life Of Lord Buddha PPT slide 118-728.jpghttp://www.slideshare.net/bright9277l/ife-of-lord-buddha-4047112

Life of BuddhaThe Four Rats

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484. The Buddha pointed out four rats to the monks. One rat excavated a hole and lived in it. One excavated a hole and did not live in it but live in the open. One did not excavate a hole but live in the open. The last one did not excavate a hole and it did not live near there. The first rat was the best because it worked hard and make good use of what it worked for.

Life of BuddhaThe Four Rats

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Life of BuddhaTo Consider And Believe

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485. The Buddha taught the man on how to believe. He should not believe because he heard it was said like this and like that. He should consider and believe things that supported him to have higher moral.

Life of BuddhaTo Consider And Believe

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Life of Buddha Live Your Life Wisely

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486. The Buddha asked an ascetic Brahmin not to behave and follow just because it was the tradition. He advised to use wisdom to live your life and consider how to earn good karma.

Life of Buddha Live Your Life Wisely

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Life of BuddhaBuddha And Pahiva

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487. Buddha said: Pahiya, you should practice this way: when you see things, you simply see. When you hear things, you simply hear things. And when you gain insight or wisdom, you should simply just gain insight or wisdom. Pahiya, once you have reached these stages, at that occasion all sufferings will end. Pahiya got enlightened and became an arahant. He died on that same day without being ordaination. This show that one don’t need to be a monk to achieve enlightenment.

Life of BuddhaBuddha And Pahiya

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Life of BuddhaLet Go

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488. Once a Brahmin who was collecting flowers met the Buddha. Buddha told the Brahmin to lay down. The Brahmin laid down his flowers. The Buddha still said the same words lay down again to the Brahmin. What the Buddha was trying to tell the Brahmin is to lay down his self or to let go.

Life of BuddhaLet Go

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Life of Buddha Ven. Kassapa And The Buddha

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489. The children paid high respect to Ven. Kassapa. They loved his gesture and his voice. When they grow up they would know that they should pay high respect to the Buddha instead of Ven. Kassapa.

Life of BuddhaVen. Kassapa And The Buddha

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Life of BuddhaGood Luck, Good Health, Good Mind

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490. Once a Brahmin went to the Buddha and said he had good luck all the time and that the Buddha had good health. Then Buddha said to him that there was the other thing that should be good too, the mind.

Life of Buddha Good Luck, Good Health, Good Mind

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Life of BuddhaSteps To Teaching Dhamma

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491. Once a Brahmin asked the Buddha if he had the steps in teaching Dhamma. Buddha said that monk had to be aware of their eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, and not to put priority to eating, not preference to sleeping and practicing the Dhamma.

Life of BuddhaSteps To Teaching Dhamma

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Life of BuddhaEmptiness, Yama And Death

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492. Brahmin asked Buddha how Yama couldn’t see them after the death. Buddha replied that they should see all the things as blankness (emptyness). Don’t adhere to “self” if they had no self, Yama couldn.t see them after death.

Life of Buddha Emptiness, Yama And Death

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Life of BuddhaBuddha And The Stableman

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493. Buddha told the stableman that he also taught the monks using the same way the stableman trains a horse. He told them softly, he advised them, he ordered them, and sometimes is harsh with them when talking cannot work.

Life of BuddhaBuddha And The Stableman

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Life of BuddhaNibbana Is Like A Horse

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494. Buddha explained that Nibbana could be compared to the horse that was tamed and ready to ride. Nibbana can be found when we are still alive and not after we die.

Life of Buddha Nibbana Is Like A Horse

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Life of Buddha The Way The Buddha Teaches

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495. Buddha didn’t try hard to change other people to respect his teachings. He kept asking what they are interested in and lightly discussed with them until they had the right attitude. He didn’t try to change their religion, but change their wrong thoughts.

Life of BuddhaThe Way The Buddha Teaches

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Life of Buddha The Stick Or The Son

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496. The Buddha said to an old Brahmin that the walking stick might be better than the ungrateful son. He asked him to bring his walking stick to the city and tell the people as he had said. Finally his son understood the Buddha’s message and took good care of the old Brahmin.

Life of BuddhaThe Stick Or The Son

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Life of Buddha Worthless Questions

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497. The Buddha taught the people not to question about where they will go to after their death. He also told the story of the analogy of the poison arrow. He said that if you are shot by a poison arrow you should seek treatment at once. Not to demand the answers to useless questions before allowing treatment. He said that useless questions such as who shot him, what is his name, is he young or old etc. He continued that by the time the questions are answered it will be too late to save him.

Life of Buddha Worthless Questions

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Life of Buddha Worthless Gestures

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498. The Buddha the sick Vaggli, who became an Arahat after he stopped his delusion to the gesture of Buddha. Buddha taught him that the person who had seen the Dhamma would also see the Buddha.

Life of Buddha Worthless Gestures

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Life of BuddhaA Good Wife

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499. The Buddha taught the women how to behave as a good wife. He suggested that they should sleep after their husbands and wake up before their husbands. He also asked them to work hard, telling the truth, not to live a luxurious life, and pay high respect to their husband.

Life of BuddhaA Good Wife

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Life of BuddhaDon’t Make Other Suffer

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500. The Buddha is always compassionate. He taught the Sangha the Dhamma and Vinaya. He taught the adults the precepts, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path and to look after the welfare of all. He also taught the children that if they wanted happiness, they should not make other lives suffer.

Life of Buddha Don’t Make Other Suffer

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